Embracing Buddhism Resources in Hong Kong

Tour Name

Embracing Buddhism Resources in Hong Kong

Participating Travel Agent

All Honest Travel Limited (352206)

Itinerary Concept

Temples have become more and more popular as tourist resources. The tour stems from the religious culture of Hong Kong, unfolding a unique character of the city by in-depth exploration at various religious sites.

Tour Duration


Key Attractions

Ngo Keng Kiu (Canal Road Flyover) / Man Mo Temple / The Peak / Kwun Yum Temple, Hung Hom / Fife Street / Temple Street / Ngong Ping 360 / The Big Buddha / Wisdom Path / Wong Tai Sin Temple

Tourist Experience

Experience local religious rituals and boost your luck!

Special Meal Arrangement

Famous French vegetarian gourmet at The Mills / traditional dim sum / dai pai dong in Temple Street / vegetarian meal at Po Lin Monastery

Source of information: Participating Travel Agent
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